The mailing list for and about women in science, engineering and technology,
including women returning to paid work after a career break

 a simple unmoderated mailing list. Any member can send a message to the list, and it is distributed to everyone.

 about 400 friendly professional women (and some men), across all ages and stages of their careers.

 based in the United Kingdom (our news and events items tend to reflect this) but we have members across the world.

 if not "all the news fit to print", at least a good proportion of the news and events pertaining to women in science and engineering.

 we try to stick to topics that have a particular relevance to women.

 many of the items come through the Women's Engineering Society (WES) and the other women's newtworks like Cambridge AWiSE (the Cambridge Association for Women in Science and Engineering), the Women in Physics Group (WiPG) of the Institute of Physics, and BCSWomen.

 we aim to use clear subject headings so that members can quickly home in on topics and items of particular interest.

 about 4 to 8 messages a week, 2 of them may be compilations made by Daphnet's manager from various sources.

 we occasionally publish requests for assistance -- ranging from information needed by students to appeals for people to speak on radio programmes.

 surprising depths of experience show in the answers to requests. We have a remarkable range of women in interesting posts.

 rarely, we get into discussions (but not often, and not usually heated).

 we often have information about jobs. It is normally clear from the subject heading which mailings those are, so you can avoid them if you wish. These are often, but not always, PhD studentships and Post-Doc posts, and frequently outside the UK. (The UK has few specifically-for-women posts, although jobs from known women-friendly sources are also included in the mailings.)

 what isn't included? Basically, anything that you could expect to receive from your own professional sources. So not items that, say, the IMechE puts out unless they are woman-related and of interest to women outside the IMechE.

 postings are not moderated before publishing on the list. Offensive posts may occur, although this is very rare. Anyone sending them may be removed from the subscribers list without warning.

 Daphnet is named for Daphne Jackson, the eminent physicist and former president of the Women's Engineering Society (among many other prestigious posts). If you want to know more about Daphne Jackson Fellowships for women engineers and scientists returning to work after a career break, look around the Daphne Jackson Trust website.

 Daphnet is kindly hosted by Imperial College.

Join Daphnet through its admin webpage.

You can change your email options on the same page, the chief one being to receive a daily digest version.

Unsubscribe through that page too.

To send a message out on Daphnet, send it to with a suitable meaningful subject line. You must send the email from the same address that you used to join the list -- emails from non-members are rejected. In theory the system can manage small attachments but it is safer to just include material as plain text in the body of your messge.

Non-members can get messages distributed by sending them to the list manager.

If you find any problems, email the list manager Pam Wain on

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